Examining Whiteness: White identity and racism CANCELLED

Where: London

When: 27 Jun 2020 time: 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM


Whiteness, as a set of normative cultural practices, is visible most clearly to those it definitely excludes and those to whom it does violence. Those who are housed securely within its borders usually do not examine it. (Ruth Frankenberg,1993)

This group is open to people from all backgrounds, heritages and ethnicities who want to actively address the injustices and inequalities of racism through personal and collective work on White identity, power, privilege and complicity.

It is an open group meeting 4 times a year and facilitated since Sept 2017 by Bea Millar and Suzanne Keys, two therapists active in PCSR, Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility. It is not a workshop, seminar or therapy group so participants need to be prepared to participate in uncomfortable and difficult conversations in a respectful environment, with the personal content being confidential to the group, and know how to support themselves in this process.

By doing this work together we hope to actively work towards dismantling internal, relational and structural racism. The groups started because Suzanne and Bea no longer wanted to be part of a therapy profession and world where clients, trainees and practitioners of colour continue to experience oppression, discrimination and harm, where their experiences are not heard and valued and where white practitioners don’t do the necessary internal and relational work to stop this happening. It is an ongoing experience and active learning journey.

Resources gathered for Examining Whiteness    Updated March 2020

Organisations focusing on the experience of Therapists of Colour

https://www.baatn.org.uk/              https://www.aashna.uk/

Webinairs, podcasts and articles

 Whiteness, Intimacy and Everyday Antiracism.  William R. Frey

‘White counsellors don’t understand’: Why BME students don’t get the help they need at uni https://thetab.com/uk/2019/09/11/white-counsellors-dont-understand-why-bme-students-are-rejecting-mental-health-support-at-uni-124427

What’s Missing From “White Fragility” https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/09/white-fragility-robin-diangelo-workshop.html

RACE: What is White Supremacy in Education? https://theteacherist.com/2019/02/20/race-what-is-white-supremacy-2/

What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless?  Robin DiAngelo


 Why healing from internalised Whiteness is a missing link in White people’s anti-Racism work


 Whiteness on the couch.  Natasha Stovall


Pran Patel’s Decolonise the Curriculum Ted Talk https://youtu.be/8JjRQTuzqTU
Pran Patel’s Decolonise the Curriculum companion article https://theteacherist.com/2019/05/26/decolonise-the-curriculum/

Guide to Allyship: http://www.guidetoallyship.com/

So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know: https://everydayfeminism.com/2013/11/things-allies-need-to-know/

#BlackSafeSpace   CiCi and Shona Hunter


 Seeing White – explorations of White Supremacy   14 radio broadcasts


Witnessing the wound’ 20 min video by Eugene Ellis, BAATN.          https://vimeo.com/262194819

How I learned to stop worrying and love discussing Race  (10 min TED talk)         https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MbdxeFcQtaU

Colonialism and the origins of skin bleaching  https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/XIfdHRAAAKbQ_FWB

4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Hijacking the Conversation on Racial Justice. Jennifer Loubriel        https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/4-ways-white-people-can-process-their-emotions-without-bringing-the-white-tears/



3 authors who have written extensively on Racism and White privilege

Tim Wise, US anti-racism activist, J.E.Helm’s White racial identity development model and Peggy McIntosh on White privilege.

 Classic text on these issues:      Black Skin, White Masks     Frantz Fanon     1952

 Recent relevant books

Me and White Supremacy                 Layla F.Saad         Coming out Feb 2020


How to be an antiracist        Ibram X. Kendi                   2019

Dying of Whiteness                             Jonathan M. Metzl      2019


White Privilege Unmasked: how to be part of the solution    Judy Ryde    2019

White Fragility: why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism  Robin DiAngelo 2018

Natives: race and class in the ruins of empire                     Akala       2018

Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race     Reni Eddo Lodge      2017

Race in Psychoanalysis                                                       Celia Brickman    2017


The Challenge of Racism in Therapeutic Practice          Isha McKenzie-Mavinga 2016

Black Issues in The Therapeutic Process                          Isha McKenzie-Mavinga      2009

Being White in the Helping Professions                           Judy Ryde         2009

The Isis Papers. The Keys to the Colors          Dr. Frances Cress Welsing  1991

A collection of 25 essays examining the neuroses of White Supremacy


FREE – donations on the day much appreciated.

For more details contact: Bea Millar